On Saturday, April 28 I went and saw Moneta at the Showbox and interviewed the band after.
When Moneta came onstage an energetic atmosphere was instantly created as they thrashed around the entire stage. Lights quickly flashed, illuminating their “Hope” banners.
At the start of Moneta’s set the keyboard stands out in a bold pop song. As a six piece, their all of Moneta’s songs are thick with layers.
I noticed immediately the lead vocalist Jerry Kansky’s unique on stage persona. He is clearly absorbed in the music and also connects well with the audience. I also appreciated the bands back up vocals. While Mike Rapson’s vocals are distinctive and contrast nicely with Kansky’s, Devin Bazemore’s blend beautifully to give their music support.
In one transition between songs Bazemore and Rapson harmonized together, just one of many ways they made their whole set flow together nicely.
The band’s own enthusiasm spread to the crowd. They especially enjoyed Moneta’s version of the song “Connecticut,” which members of Moneta wrote in their old band Roundabout. By the end of the set fans were clapping, cheering and dancing to Moneta’s music.
The band’s camaraderie shows during their set when they share mikes and even pour water in each other’s mouths- which of course drove the ladies crazy. While they each have a unique style on stage, they also move together as a unit with the music.
My favorite songs included “Kayla” and “Beauty and the Beast.”
“Beauty and the Beast” adds an acoustic guitar to the two electric to create a nice full sound that really builds in the choruses.
Check them out for yourself!
Moneta's web siteMoneta on purevolumeMoneta on MySpaceInterview with the band after their set, April 28:
Rose: When did you guys start the band?
Devin Bazemore: We got together six or seven months ago I would say. But, me and Mike and Dustin all knew each other, a friend named Josh introduced us to Jerry and then we met Chris later down the road.
Rose: When you first started the band where did you want to go with it?
Mike Rapson: We all really love pop music. We wanted to try and stray away from the emo title, but we had a few practices and it was just kind of apparent right away that it was going the pop-rock and me and Jerry and Devin just kind of sat down and wrote the songs.
Rose: Who are your influences?
Kansky: It’s pretty across the board, I’m stuck in the 70’s and 80’s like Springsteen…
Bazemore: Dustin listens to Slayer, Slayer and Converge.
Dustin McGhie: That’s not all I like okay! I don’t just like Slayer and Converge. I like other stuff too, like, um Refused.
Rose: What Other bands have you guys been in?
Kansky: Well I was in Blue Sky Mile for about four and a half years.
Chris Holbrook: I was in a band called Meridian for a little while but it never really got off the ground.
Bazemore: Dustin was in Gatsbys American Dream
McGhie: and Mon Frere!
(Rapson, Bazemore and McGhie were also in Roundabout)
Rose: How would you describe your sound?
Tim Borquez: I always say Yellowcard meets the Killers.
Kansky: I always wanna throw Foo Fighters in there but I don’t know why. I don’t know that’s like a really hard question.
Rose: How have your shows been so far?
Bazemore: The Shows have been nothing short of amazing, and we can’t wait to play more shows and meet more people.
Kansky: I feel really lucky that we’ve gotten to play the shows we have.
Rose: What are your plans for the future? Where do you want the band to go?
McGhie: To take over the world.
Bazemore: I think the plan is just to keep on playing as many good shows and have fun with it. See where it takes us.
Rose: What kind of reception have you gotten so far from listeners?
Kansky: It’s been amazing, the amount of people who are really passionate and outspoken about our music, though our Myspace and even at shows. So many people seem to love it as much as us if not more.
Borquez: I don’t know Jerry, I don’t know if anyone in the audience would have broken their nose…
Rose: And what exactly happened to you? How did you hurt yourself onstage?
Kansky: At some point I spilled a bottle of water onstage and I was going back, because at all of the shows I get in Dustin’s face and yell “Slayer”, because it gets us both pumped up, and I slipped on the water and went face first into his drum kit.
Rose: When is your next show?
Bazemore: May 29th at the Showbox.
Borquez: We’re pretty much becoming a house band here.
Rose: What’s been the best experience in your band?
Bazemore: For me it was recording. Recording was awesome. It was during the windstorm and we were stuck in the studio for four days without power while we were supposed to be recording. We player dome Crunk-que.
Kansky: That’s our customized version of drunk croquet.
Bazemore: We hung out and really got to know each other.